Tuesday 1 December 2015

Latest Novel Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses

I have told you about this man Salman Rushdie. The way Ayatollah Khomeini and the other religious leaders of Iran have behaved…ordinarily people think that this is very strange from a religious man. I want to tell you this is not – this is what religions have been doing for centuries.Mohammed himself carried a sword his whole life, killing people, and he has given the name Islam, to his religion, which means peace! And on his sword was written in letters of gold, “Peace is my message” – on the sword!Ayatollah Khomeini is exactly behaving like all the religious leaders. It is absolutely irreligious behavior but Ayatollah Khomeini is not the only one responsible for it, he is simply a representative of the whole past history of religions: killing, murder, crusades…fights over strange things.

Christians, Mohammedans and Jews, all three religions have been fighting over a strange idea which can be shared very easily, that Jerusalem is the holy city. So what is wrong? All three religions can enjoy going to Jerusalem. But they have been fighting. Jews have been claiming, “It is our holy city.” And Christians of course were saying, “It is our holy city because Jesus was crucified here.”

And Jews are saying it is their holy city because the ancient Jewish temple used to exist in Jerusalem and there is still the great wall where Jews weep, cry – that is their prayer, in front of an ancient wall. You will find hundreds of Jews every day standing in front of the wall or kneeling down in front of the wall. It is their holy city.And then came the Mohammedans and with a strange fiction they have made it their holy city.

The fiction is that Mohammed went to heaven sitting on his horse, and just on way to heaven he stopped for a rest in Jerusalem. Now, I cannot conceive how Jerusalem comes on the way to heaven. It does not exist somewhere in the clouds….So the rock on which he had rested for a few minutes before ascending to heaven is the holy rock, and because the holy rock is in Jerusalem, Mohammedans have been claiming, “It is our holy city.” And all three religions have been fighting and killing for hundreds and thousands of years.

I cannot understand why they all cannot share the holy city – they all can go and worship. But the very claim that it is “ours,” is absolutely non-religious.A religious person has no possessiveness. These are not religious people, they belong only to pseudo-religious organizations. And they are doing everything wrong in the name of God. That gives a sanctity to their immoral acts.Ayatollah Khomein’si death sentence on four persons was absolutely immoral, absolutely unspiritual.

And then another ayatollah came and declared that he would give 2.6 million dollars to the person who brings the head of Salman Rushdie to Iran.I was hoping Salman Rushdie would prove to be a man of integrity – he did not. He has started falling from integrity, from individuality. Today he has requested Ayatollah Khomeini – “I can feel that I have hurt so many people’s religious feelings…” Yesterday, Ayatollah Khomeini said that if Rushdie asks for forgiveness and is ready to receive a penance, then he can save his life.

Otherwise there is no way.This statement is not accurately speaking an apology, but just a recognition that he had unconsciously hurt the feelings of thousands of Mohammedans, and that he would be more careful in the future. But he was not aware that Ayatollah Khomeini is not a sane man. He rejected the statement, and said again on the radio, “Rushdie has not apologized and whatever he has said, we reject it.”Now Salman Rushdie has started falling.

Soon he will have to apologize, and after apologizing, Ayatollah Khomeini will ask him to do penance. “Come to Kaaba and fast for one month…” Salman Rushdie has taken a wrong move. This is how people out of fear have been kept imprisoned.

I was hoping that a man of the intelligence of Salman Rushdie would prefer death to apologizing. He has not committed any sin, and he has not done anything wrong. I was hoping that he would put Ayatollah Khomeini in a corner. He should ask him, “On what grounds are you saying that I have committed anything against Islam? Tell me exactly what is the reason that you are asking for an apology or giving me a sentence to death.”

And that would have exposed Ayatollah Khomeini because none of these ayatollahs have given a reason.Rushdie simply stated a historical fact, that a few of the verses which Mohammed wrote in an earlier version of the Koran he dropped later on saying that he had been inspired by the devil to write these verses. Now, this is a historical fact, it is not Salman Rushdie’s imagination. Why should he ask forgiveness?He should have said, “Give me the reasons,” and he would have put these fanatics into a corner, because they cannot say what really is the problem.

I want you to understand it because that will give you an insight into the murderous instinct of all the religions. This does not make any sense because it is a well-established fact, accepted by Mohammedan scholars for centuries, that a few verses have been dropped. And the statement of Mohammed is well known to those who have ever studied the Koran and the history of Islam. If anybody is at fault it is Mohammed, not Rushdie.So they cannot really say these are the verses that are creating trouble, because then immediately the question arises that they are historical facts. So nobody has said what the problem is.

The problem is that if Mohammed can be influenced by the devil, and he withdraws a few verses as the devil’s inspired verses, that makes a crack in the whole fanatic idea that the Koran is infallible, that Mohammed is God’s only paigambar, only authentic prophet. “One God, one prophet Mohammed, and one holy book the Koran” – these are the three basic principles of Mohammedanism.

Accepting the fact that Mohammed could be influenced by the devil and could not recognize it for many years makes the whole Koran dubious, makes the prophet Mohammed fallible. These are the reasons hidden behind, implied, and they cannot say why they are so angry.They are angry because if the whole world knows that Mohammed could be deceived by the devil, then he is not a perfect prophet of God – what about the other verses in the Koran? Who knows which verses are inspired by the devil, which verses are inspired by God? Just to avoid this implication becoming clear to everybody, these people are getting mad.

For the same reason, Galileo was called by the pope because he had written that it is not the sun that goes around the earth; on the contrary, it is the earth that goes around the sun. But the Bible states the commonsense view. Just as we see the sun rising in the morning and going around from the east to the west, setting, so it appears that the sun is going around the earth. This is a commonsense view, but the question that Galileo had asked the pope was, “Why are you are so much afraid of a truth? I have been experimenting; this is my whole life’s work.

And even if I withdraw the sentence that you are wanting me to withdraw, neither is the earth going to change its course nor the sun, because they don’t read my books. The earth will go on circling the sun. But why are you afraid?” Galileo had asked, and he had cornered the pope: “You either prove that I am wrong on scientific grounds…because it is not a religious matter at all. What has religion to do with whether the sun goes around the earth or the earth goes around the sun? It has nothing to do with any spirituality, it is a scientific area.

If anybody can prove anything scientifically against me, then of course I will withdraw. But why are you afraid?”Cornered in this way, the pope had to accept that the real problem was: “We are not concerned whether the earth goes around, or the sun. Our concern is that even if one sentence in the Bible is found to be wrong, the whole credibility of the Bible goes. Then it is not a work of God. God is infallible, God cannot commit such a mistake. He made the earth, he made the sun, and he does not know who goes around.“The point is that one sentence proved wrong will create doubt about the whole authenticity of the Bible, so we cannot allow you to create this doubt in people’s minds.”Galileo was very old, almost on his deathbed.

He had been dragged from his deathbed to the court of the pope. He said, “I don’t want to get into any unnecessary trouble. I am already dying. So I will cancel the sentence.” And he must have been a man of a great sense of humor. He canceled the sentence. But in a footnote he wrote, “Although I am canceling this sentence, the fact is that the earth goes around the sun. They are not going to listen to me, and they don’t follow any religion and they are not Christians.”Certainly the earth is not Christian, neither is the sun Christian.

And certainly whoever wrote the Bible is not omniscient, is not infallible.Hundreds of facts have been found in these three hundred years after Galileo which go against the Bible, which go against the Koran, which go against the Vedas…which go against every religious scripture in the world. And that proves that these books have not been written by God, or written by the only begotten son of God, Jesus Christ, or by prophets like Mohammed or Moses who represent God. And they are the messengers…. Certainly these messages are their imagination.All these holy scriptures are full of common sense, not of any scientific inquiry, nor of any spiritual inquiry.

It is so strange to read the holy scriptures. They look such rubbish that even newspapers seem to be more important. And if God is writing, or his special messengers are writing these scriptures, they cannot be counted sane.My whole understanding is that all these prophets and messiahs and avataras and tirthankaras – the founders of all the religions – are basically megalomaniacs, great egoists. This is the greatest ego in the world, that you are related with God in a manner nobody else is related.That’s why Jesus excludes the idea that there is another son, another brother to him, or another sister. God has only one begotten son and that is Jesus Christ. Why does Mohammed close the doors – “I am the last prophet of God; now there will be no more prophets coming.

So the holy Koran is the final message from God; no correction can be made in it.” But he himself corrected it, and he himself accepted that he was inspired by the devil.Religions have been repressing truths, and now it is time that the truth should be declared, freedom should be declared, individuality should be declared. Man has lived under slavery long enough. The night has been too long; a new dawn is needed.

A new man is needed, a new humanity is needed, and that humanity necessarily needs all these so-called religions to disappear from the earth.They are having their last breaths, so your question is exactly right. The same is the case with a candle going out – having a last final spurt of energy before it splutters into extinction.

This happens to man also. Physicians have been observing it for centuries that before death the person becomes perfectly healthy; all his diseases disappear. And they could not understand – “What is happening? He is going to die, the logical thing would be that his diseases become more dangerous because they are going to kill him. But at the last moment all diseases disappear.”It is the last spurt of energy. Before going into darkness, the candle flares up. And many times, physicians have been deceived by this flaring up of energy; they think they have cured the person. And by the time they have reached home, the phone rings to say that the man is dead. And they were thinking they had cured him, because everything becomes normal before death. The man is making his last effort – of course unconsciously – to remain alive. He is for the first time being total, so the whole energy is gathered. That gathering of the energy gives a false appearance of health as if he is cured.All these religions are gathering their whole energy – the last flare-up of life before they disappear forever with their God, with their priests, with their monks, with their churches, with their holy scriptures. That day will be the greatest day in the history of man. Man will become free.Hence I say that the days for celebration are coming closer.

Get ready!Celibacy is no longer scientific; we have to fill up the gap with celebration. Renunciation is no longer logical, rational; we have to fill the gap with rejoicing. That is the reason so-called religious people are against me, because they can see what I am saying destroys their lies and their fictions and their consolations. This destruction they call “having their religious feelings hurt.”Just today one man has asked the government of India, “Just as you have banned Salman Rushdie’s book, why don’t you ban Rajneesh’s books which are far more dangerous?” It is true, they are far more dangerous.

Rushdie has not done anything, and is unnecessarily being harassed. If you harass me that will be absolutely right, because I am stating things against every religion.But to ask the government to ban my books is to accept defeat. Why can’t you argue with me? Why can’t you bring a dialogue into existence? If you think your religious ideology is right, I am ready for any challenge to discuss it. Why are you afraid? In a cultured society, in a democratic nation it is against the constitution to take away anybody’s freedom of speech. I am ready to confront anybody – Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian, Jaina, Buddhist. Whoever they are, I am ready to confront them, but because they don’t have any way to answer my questions they immediately take the course of asking the government.

The Indian government is secular, it has no way to defend any religion or anybody’s religious feelings. And it is barbarious to ask the government; it simply shows you are primitive and you don’t know how to behave in a civilized way.If Ayatollah Khomeini was a civilized, sane man, he would have asked Rushdie, “Are you ready for an argument?” To declare a death sentence…and Mohammedan criminals, professional murderers have already entered Britain from different Mohammedan countries. Even Pakistan has sent people. I was shocked because the woman who is now the president of Pakistan, her father, Bhutto, was sentenced to death for no reason at all. He was the most prominent person in Pakistan, the most influential person.

And because of him, the man who was in power – he was a military general, it was a military dictatorship – was afraid to call elections, so he was tolerating and making excuses and postponing. But how long can you postpone? People were asking again and again, “Why are elections not happening?” And the reason was that Bhutto was alive. He used to be the president of the country, and this was a takeover by the army, by force. Bhutto had to be killed before the elections.So they brought all kinds of imaginary crimes that he had not committed. He was a well educated man, and he was not a fanatic. They killed him.

No appeal was granted to him; he could not appeal to the president for mercy. It was against Pakistan’s constitution, against Pakistan’s law, but General Zia, who was in power, was not a man of any influence in the public. He had come into power by force and violence because he was the commander-in-chief of all the forces – the navy, the air force, and the army.It was just luck that a few days ago, General Zia, with his seventy-four most intimate people from all the armies, had an accident, an airplane accident, and all seventy-five people died.This woman is General Zia’s enemy and has been fighting from Britain, trying to get into Pakistan.

And General Zia was not allowing her, because people would have sympathy for her because her father had been killed illegally, unconstitutionally. But when Zia was dead she immediately rushed to Pakistan and she has been elected. Now she is the president – a young woman, well educated, but she is doing the same stupidity as Zia did. Zia killed her father without any reason or rhyme, simply because he was the most impressive person in the country and Zia could not stand against him and win the elections. That was the reason.Now, I was thinking that this woman would behave – and she has been educated in Britain, just as her father was educated in Britain – in a different way.

First, she is a woman, and has more heart than any man. Secondly, her father has been killed. She should reconsider the very desire for killing people. And now she has sent a death squad to Britain, professional murderers, to kill Rushdie and the other three persons who are involved in the publication of the book.It seems people don’t learn at all. That’s why history goes on repeating. The repetition of history simply shows that people don’t learn at all. Otherwise, there is no reason for history to repeat – if you learn, you only commit a mistake once, not twice. That’s what learning means: commit as many mistakes as you want, but only commit one mistake once.

Committing mistakes is not bad – that is the only way of learning; you have to commit mistakes. If you don’t commit mistakes you cannot find the way from this darkness that surrounds the earth. But don’t commit the same mistake, otherwise you will be in a vicious circle.Committing the same mistake again simply shows you are unconscious, you are not behaving consciously. Now, this woman, Bhutto’s daughter, is doing the same as Zia was doing. And the man, Rushdie, has not done anything wrong.But he seems to be a coward.

And because of these cowards these insane people have been in power.I am ready for any argument with anybody, because I know their whole religious belief is absolutely unfounded. They cannot prove God, they cannot prove heaven, they cannot prove hell. They cannot prove that God created the world, because there is no witness. How have you found it? Who told you? Obviously there cannot have been any witness when God created the world. If there was a witness, the world was already there. It is intrinsically rational to accept that there cannot be any witness – because there was no world. From where will the witness come? So God cannot have a witness; then how have these people come to know? From whom?Their whole idea is based on the lie of God. And I always strike at the very foundation, I don’t bother about the branches and the leaves.

I cut the very roots. And they cannot defend, because they don’t have any foundation to their temple.I once went to see a temple which is a very rare temple, near Indore. There is a very small village where the temple is; it is a Jaina temple. Jainas have the mythology that the temple has fallen from heaven. It does not look very heavenly….And it fell because the gods – Jainism does not believe in God, it believes in gods – and the devils were fighting about who should own the temple, and the fight was going on just above the clouds. So they became so much engaged in fighting that they lost control of the temple and the temple fell near the village. And the only reason they could manage this mythology was that the temple has no foundation. You can put a thin wire underneath and you can go around the whole temple.

The wire goes through to the other side. Then two persons can take the wire and go around the whole temple – it is a round temple, it has no foundation at all.So this has given the idea that it must have fallen, because how can you make a temple without a foundation?It can be made, there is not much problem in it. It is a small temple, and just some architect’s imagination to make something absolutely new…he had raised this temple without any foundation.But when I went to see the temple – a few friends had accompanied me from Indore, and they were all amazed.

They said, “Perhaps the mythology is true.”I said, “You are idiots! No temple has any foundation. No church has any foundation. No belief system has any foundation. This temple is a proof!”Humanity requires a totally different approach. We should discuss. Why is there so much fear about discussing? The fear is valid – they know they cannot win. All their religions are slipping out of their hands; they cannot win, they are fighting a losing battle. If they are men of intelligence it is better that they come out of the temples and the churches and the monasteries and declare their independence.My whole effort is to give you freedom from all chains, from all prisons, so that you can celebrate life.

Friedrich Nietzsche’s statement, “God is dead; hence man is free”…but free for what? That he has no idea. That’s why he went insane. God was dead – that was the consolation. Now the consolation is gone and there is a vacuum. If you leave the vacuum, the whole of humanity is going to be mad.Great intellectuals in the West have committed suicide or gone mad. In fact it has become almost a criterion: if you don’t go mad or you don’t commit suicide you are not much of an intellectual! The greatest intellectuals have gone mad, have suffered suicide, because they could not find how to live without God.

Without heaven and hell, how to live? They suddenly saw their future was complete darkness, death. To live for death…? Without God they lost all reason for living.And my whole effort is that before your God is taken away – and it is going to be taken away, because it has no foundation in truth – you should learn the art of living. You should learn the art of celebration so you never suffer the vacuum which creates insanity and all kinds of neurosis, psychosis.Even the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, because he did not believe in God…He said God is a father fixation – and his analysis is correct, intellectually correct. That’s why you call God “the Father” and that’s why you call even the Catholic priest “father” – who has no wife, no children! What kind of father…?

At least God has only one begotten son, something to brag about. But these Catholic priests – unless they have illegitimate children – cannot claim to be called fathers. It is very strange – what kind of father…?Sigmund Freud is right that the child grows up with the idea that the father is his security. He is so powerful to the small child, seems to be all-powerful, he can do anything.

But as he grows he finds that the father is not all-powerful. His security starts disappearing, he starts feeling insecure, unsafe.Sigmund Freud’s analysis was that this fear of losing security and safety has been the cause of creating a Father God far away in the sky, who never dies, who is always there to protect you; he is compassionate…Jesus says, “God is love.” He will be very loving and very compassionate, so you need not be worried about anything. All that you have to do is to believe in God.But once this God is found to be dead, as Nietzsche found – that we are carrying a corpse, God is dead…He was not aware that he himself was going to get into trouble, because his own make-up was of a father-fixation psychology. Now he found the father – even the ultimate father – is dead.

These temporary fathers go on dying, it is okay. “Daddy” has been always dead, nothing much in it. But the eternal God…to find him dead is such a shock that although Friedrich Nietzsche wrote it, after writing it immediately he went mad.The moment he concluded ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’, where he states this sentence that “God is dead and man is free,” he started behaving strangely. And finally, his friends, and particularly his sister who was taking care of him, had to put him into a madhouse.

He could not find the alternative. “God is dead and man is free” – but free for what? That he does not say at all in the whole book. And just to be free is not enough. Free from something is not enough, you have to be free for something. So there are two sides of freedom – from and for. You can be free from God, but if you don’t have any freedom for you will go mad. That consolation has been very ancient and very deep rooted; it will kill you.

You cannot live in insecurity, you need an immediate alternative – freedom for.Freedom for celebration, freedom for meditation, freedom for rejoicing, freedom for dancing – because God is dead. Now there is nobody above you and you are ultimately free from any spiritual slavery. Now you can dance without any guilt. You can love without any guilt.

You can live as abundantly as possible. There is nobody to dominate you, and there is nobody to send commandments to you, and there is nobody to frighten you with hellfire, and there is nobody to provoke your greed for heavenly pleasures.Sigmund Freud analyzed from a different angle, psychoanalysis. But he found himself in the same trouble as Nietzsche. He never went mad, but almost touched the boundaries. Because God was no longer there, death became the only thing that you are moving towards.

He became so much afraid of death – God was a security, he would be there to welcome you after death. Now there is no one, now once you enter this tunnel of death there is no way out. He became so much afraid that even the word `death’ was prohibited. He had hundreds of disciples, he created the whole movement of psychoanalysis. It was prohibited in his presence ever to mention the word `death’, because it was so frightening that the moment somebody mentioned death he would fall into a fit and start foaming from the mouth.And this is your great psychoanalyst.

But he was suffering from the same problem. God was the security. He psychoanalyzed people and found that there is no God, it is just an invention of a sick mind. Logically right…but what about himself?You will be surprised to know that Sigmund Freud founded psychoanalysis but he himself was never psychoanalyzed, because he refused. He was asked again and again by his disciples, who had become well-known psychoanalysts. They said, “It will be good if you yourself get psychoanalyzed. Now we are ready, you have prepared us so we know the whole technique. And we would like to look into your dreams.

It will be an immense treasure to find out the dreams of the man who found dream analysis.”He refused. And the reason he refused was he was afraid because he was boiling with the same repressed desires as you are boiling. It would be a great threat to his whole movement if people came to know his dreams. They would be as sexual, as criminal, as anybody’s – maybe more. Why was he afraid? He knew his dreams.And that shows that the man was not well psychologically, although he was the founder of psychoanalysis.And this goes on and on. Psychoanalysts themselves are the most highly vulnerable group of people to become insane. And they go on psychoanalyzing each other.

But that does not bring sanity, that brings only normal insanity.The whole of humanity is normally insane – a few people become abnormally insane; they go beyond the border of common sense. But the difference between your insane and the so-called sane is only of degrees. Perhaps you are ninety-nine degrees and the other person has gone to one hundred and one – past that line. And all that psychoanalysis is to bring him back to the ninety-nine degree insanity. One hundred and one degrees is dangerous.

The whole of psychoanalysis and all kinds of other schools that have developed – analytical psychology, or psychosynthesis, Assagioli, Carl Gustav Jung, Adler, and then there is a long line of people who are inventing their own therapies – they are as sick people as anybody. Your priests are as ignorant as anybody, your psychoanalysts are more in danger than you are – because they know there is no God.

Your philosophers, your giants of intellect are in more danger than the retarded people. The retarded people don’t worry at all; they don’t know that God is dead. They have not heard it yet.But sooner or later they are going to hear it. How long can it remain a secret? The priests have been keeping it a secret too long, and now they are themselves becoming aware that there is no God as they used to believe. So they are inventing new gods – a last flare-up of energy before the candle goes out and it becomes dark.My effort is not an ordinary religious sermonizing. My effort is, before this candle goes out you should have your inner light ready, so you don’t fall into darkness, that you don’t go mad.

I want you consciously to drop God, consciously to drop all lies and fictions in the name of religion, and start the other side. First, freedom from, and then the other side, freedom for – freedom for celebration, freedom for rejoicing.Now there is no longer any point in renouncing. Nobody is going to reward you; don’t unnecessarily torture yourself. The whole sky is open for the first time; just open your wings and enjoy this freedom.Very few people are capable of enjoying this freedom, because they don’t know how to dance. They have become crippled. They don’t know how to sing, they don’t know how to love. People say to each other, “I love you” – but just ask them, “What do you mean?” They will shrug their shoulders and they will say, “I don’t know…but what is love?”Their love is just a fiction.

You cannot love anybody unless you know yourself. You are not there – who is going to love? You cannot love anybody unless love starts like a flood and starts overflowing you. First you must have love, then you can share it.But do you have love? It is a by-product of meditation. Only people who have meditated deeply know what love is, and then there is no question of “falling” in love. Then comes the rising in love, you go higher and higher; your love becomes your religion, your love becomes your very existence.I teach you love, not renunciation.I teach you celebration, not celibacy.I teach you to be natural, to be existential.Then you will find yourself being very creative in some dimension or other, and you will not be suffering from a vacuum.Celebration has to fill up your vacuum, otherwise, the whole of humanity is going to suffer badly. These religions are dead. Sooner or later everybody is going to recognize the fact and then there will be an immense vacuum which God used to fill. It was a lie, but it was a great consolation that there was somebody who was caring for you, who was your security. Even in death you need not be worried – beyond death is paradise.But now there is no paradise, no God. Nobody is waiting for you beyond death. You will be going alone.You have to learn how to be alone.You have to learn how to rejoice to be alone. You have to learn how to dance – alone; there is no need for spectators. And there is no need even for partners. You can dance alone the way a rose dances in the wind, in the air, in the sun, in the rain. Do you think the rose is waiting for spectators or for partners?Meditation gives you the deep insight into your aloneness. And remember the difference: aloneness is not loneliness.

If you don’t learn aloneness, you will feel yourself very lonely. God no more, all consolation gone, no paradise after death…suddenly you feel accidental, not wanted by existence, not needed by any God. You don’t have any purpose, you don’t have any meaning. Suddenly your whole personality which was supported by lies, falls down.This is what brings neurosis, breakdown.Unless you learn meditation you cannot change your breakdown into a breakthrough. The whole alchemy of meditation is to change breakdown into breakthrough, to teach you freedom for.Freedom from is simply clearing the ground, creating a dancing hall, removing all gods and temples who are cluttering the whole space.

You cannot dance in a church, where everywhere you see all around Jesus crucified with a long face – and you can celebrate this situation?A small boy was for the first time found doing homework. His parents were surprised, because he never did it.They asked, “What is the matter? We have been telling you to do homework and you never listen – what happened?”He said, “The new school …”They had changed him from the old school because they had changed their neighborhood, so he had to go into a new school.

The new school was a convent school, and the little boy said to his parents, “In this school they have one Jew named Jesus, crucified everywhere – and I am the only other Jew in the whole school! So I have to do homework and everything they say. Immediately I do it, because I don’t want to be crucified!”He is being very sensible and very rational. He is only the second Jew… His number is just number two – one has been already crucified. Maybe he was not doing his homework or something….

You cannot dance when Jesus is crucified. When all your gods are watching you, you cannot love. It is loving in a crowd of gods, who will be all pointing their Saint Finger towards you: “You are committing a crime!”You have to throw away all these gods. They are all manmade, so there is no need to be worried; they are our creation. We have invented beautiful lies to console ourselves, so we are absolutely capable of throwing them away; nobody can prevent you.But you have to learn, side by side.

As you are clearing the ground, start singing a tune. Start moving your legs; get out of the crippledness of centuries. It is not only Jesus who is crucified – all those who believe in Jesus are living a crucified life, crippled. Of course Jesus cannot dance!That would have been a real miracle, if he had danced on the cross. He could not even laugh – that would have been a real miracle. But he is so sad that perhaps he is having second thoughts…And he shouted at God, with anger, “Have you forsaken me?” Because he was waiting for six hours, and not a single white cloud. The whole sky was blue, as far he could see.

There was no sign of God coming.At least he could have sent some saints – if he was not coming then servants would do. But somebody should have been there! Six hours he has been on the cross, waiting and waiting, and looking all around, and finally finding, “It seems that I have lived in a false consolation.” He died in sadness.That sadness pervades every church. And that sadness has become ingrained all over the world.

Not only amongst the Christians – because Christianity is the biggest religion in the world; half of the earth is Christian – other religions have been immensely influenced, without their knowing, by Christianity.For example a man like Mahatma Gandhi. I have looked very carefully and I have found that ninety percent he was a Christian, nine percent he was a Jaina, one percent he was a Hindu – and he was born a Hindu. What happened? In his life, three times he was just on the verge of being converted into Christianity.

His wife just made such a fuss that he stopped. He said, “Okay, wait …” It was the wife who prevented him from becoming Christian. Many wives are doing great jobs! She would start beating her chest and crying, “We are Hindu, and what are you doing?” And she would make such a scene that neighbors would gather and they would say, “This is not good. She is right – why are you becoming a Christian?”But he was influenced, and it is happening all over. You can see how Christianity is influencing – because they serve the poor, every religion starts serving the poor.

Monday 30 November 2015

Welcome step of Turkey recovers body of pilot from downed Russian fighter jet

Turkey has initiated the process to hand over the body of a Russian pilot to Moscow after his jet was shot down by Turkey, a day before a United Nations climate conference starts in Paris that could bring a “saddened” Turkish president and his Russian counterpart together. 

In a press briefing held at Ankara’s airport prior to his departure for a EU-Turkey Summit in Brussels on Nov. 29, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said the body of Russian pilot Oleg Peshkov, who died after his plane was downed by Turkish F-16s on Nov. 24 when it reportedly breached Turkish airspace for 17 seconds, had been taken by Turkey and would be sent to Russia on its request.

“The Russian pilot, who lost his life during the airspace violation was delivered to our border yesterday night at 1:45 a.m.,” said Davutoğlu, adding that Orthodox clerics in the southern province of Hatay had performed funeral rites over the pilot’s body. 

“The body will be handed to Russia on their request after our initiatives,” he added. 

Peshkov was reportedly killed by Turkmen forces as he descended to ground in a parachute.

The other pilot in the downed Russian warplane, Konstantin Murakhtin, was rescued by Syrian special forces units and brought to a Russian base in Syria after the incident.

The coffin of Peshkov was flown to Ankara, where, according to Russia’s RIA news agency, it was met at an airfield by Moscow’s ambassador and military attaché, Reuters reported. 

Erdoğan ‘saddened’ by incident

A day before, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan repeated his call to Russian President Vladimir Putin for a face-to-face meeting in Paris on the sidelines of the U.N. Global Climate Summit to discuss and resolve an ongoing bilateral crisis, saying Turkey was sorry about the incident. 

 “We feel really saddened about this incident. We would not like such a thing to happen … but unfortunately it did. I hope such a thing will not happen again,” Erdoğan said Nov. 28 in a statement during a visit to the northwestern province of Balıkesir.

“What we tell Russia is, ‘Let’s talk about this issue within its boundaries and let’s settle it. Let’s not make others happy by hurting our entire relationship. I think the U.N. Global Climate Change Summit to be held in Paris on Monday could be an opportunity to restore our relations,” he said. 

This was Erdoğan’s second call to Russian President Vladimir Putin to meet in Paris after the downing of the Russian jet. 

Initially, Erdoğan had expressed his willingness to meet Putin on Nov. 27 in the northern province of Bayburt. An aide to Putin, however, said the Russian president refused to contact Erdoğan because Ankara does not want to apologize.

“We see Turkey’s unwillingness to simply apologize for the incident with the plane,” Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s aide, told reporters when asked why Putin had refused to talk with Erdoğan. 

On the same day, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also confirmed that the Turkish president had requested a meeting with Putin in Paris on Nov. 30. 

“A proposal from the Turkish side about a meeting at the level of heads of state has been delivered to the president,” Reuters reported Peskov as saying in a conference call.  “That’s all I can say,” Peskov added.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Russia and India Relationship with Economic and Cultural Behaviour in the World

Russia and India Relations are master key of India 's foreign policy and Russia has been provide various types help like weapons, technical instrument, healthcare product and others type materials. Since the signing of  "Statement on the Russia-India strategical partnership" in October 2000 (during the visit of  Russian President Vladimir Putin into India Capital Delhi), Russia-India ties have non-heritable qualitatively brand-new character with enhanced grade of corporation in virtually all areas of the  symmetrical relationship including trade, security, political, economy, deference, science and technology and culture. Under the Russia and India strategic partnership Several institutionalized dialogue mechanisms direct at both official and political levels to ensure regular reciprocation and follow up on concurrence activities. 

On 19th November 2015, in the meeting of the heads of the Tax Administration Of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa Countries was held on Moscow is the largest city and Capital of Russia, It 's the most expensive City in the world, From 19 - 21 November 2015 Government of India and top officer of Russia leader lead this moment. Heads of BRICS Tax Administration presented their view on types of the issue on Tax Administration Including ways and Coordinating with alliance on various issue. The partcipants of BRICS discussed about practical steps and Action Plan, prevention of cross order tax evasion through implementation of Common Reporting Standard and automated exchange of information; and supporting engagement of developing countries in BEPS and tax administration. All the participating countries reiterated the decision to closely coordinate their efforts towards achieving this goal.

Overview of India And Russia Cooperation: 

A. Overview

1. Enhancing trade and economic cooperation between India and Russia is a key priority for the political leadership of both the countries. Bilateral trade amounted to USD 9.51 billion in 2014 wherein Indian exports were USD 3.17 billion and Russian exports were USD 6.34 billion. Indian investments in Russia are estimated to be about USD 7 billion while Russian investments in India total about USD 3 billion. During the annual summit held in December 2014, both sides have set a target to increase the bilateral tarde to US$30 billion by 2025 and the bilateral investment each way to US$15 billion by that time.

2. A number of institutionalised mechanisms at governmental and non-governmental levels contribute to the development of economic cooperation between the two countries. While the India Russia Intergovernmental Commission for Trade, Economic, Scientific & Cultural Cooperation (IRIGC-TEC) guides the conduct of economic cooperation at the Governmental level, the Indo-Russian Forum for Trade & Investment and the India-Russia CEO’s Council have evolved into the platforms for facilitating direct B2B interactions between the two countries. 

3. India is also contemplating a FTA/ CECA with the Eurasian Economic Union. The Eurasian Economic Union is one of the important emerging economic blocks, and India is keen to engage more closely with Russia and the CIS countries to further intensify our trade and economic cooperation with this region. On 18 June 2015, India and the Eurasian Economic Union signed a joint statement establishing a Joint Feasibility Study Group (JFSG) for feasibility study on the proposed FTA/CECA between India and the Eurasian Economic Union. The first meeting of the JFSG was held in Moscow on 31 July 2015 and the first draft of the report of the JFSG is expected by November 2015.

3. There have been regular bilateral exchanges at the highest levels. The visit of the President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation to India for the 15th Indo-Russian Annual Summit on 11 December 2014 was a significant event in furthering the bilateral relations. During the summit, around 20 agreements, including 11 agreements related to economic and trade matters were signed, reaffirming the desire to intensify the bilateral relationship through the Vision document which provides a roadmap for the  future. Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ufa, Russian Federation, from 8-10 July 2015 and participated in the BRICS and SCO Summits. He also held bilateral talks with President Putin on a broad spectrum of issues, including economic and trade cooperation. President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee visited Moscow in May 2015 and participated in the 70th Anniversary of the Victory Day celebrations. He also met with President Putin and discussed various issues related to bilateral cooperation.

4. Ms. Sushma Swaraj, External Affairs Minister visited Moscow and co-chaired the 21st Session of the India-Russia Intergovernmental Commission for Trade, Economic, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation (IRIGC-TEC) on 20 October 2015. Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, led a high level business delegation at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum from 17-19 June 2015. In addition, there were many official and expert level visits from India covering a wide spectrum of issues on the economic side, as a part of Russian BRICS presidency.

5. Other important visits in recent months include the visit of Minister of Finance, Minister of State for Environment & Forests, Minister of State for Petroleum & Natural Gas, Minister of State for Agriculture & Food Processing, Comptroller & Auditor General of India, Commerce Secretary and senior officials from Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Department of Science & Technology, Department of Chemicals & Fertilisers, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Finance, Reserve Bank of India, MMTC, Export Promotion Council and APEDA, which have maintained the momentum of our bilateral relations in different areas of cooperation.

B. Trade

6. The bilateral trade during the period January–December 2014 amounted to USD 9.51 billion, with Indian exports amounting to USD 3.17 billion and imports from Russia amounting to USD 6.34 billion. Major items of export from India include pharmaceuticals, miscellaneous manufactures, iron & steel, apparels, tea, coffee and tobacco. Major items of import from Russia include defence equipment, nuclear power equipment, fertilizers, electrical machinery, steels and diamonds.

6. Bilateral trade figures for last ten years are given below:

(amountt in US $ billion)

India’s Import
from Russia
India’s export
to Russia
Total trade
Increase YOY
3. 10       
- 5.6
C. Investment
7. The cumulative Indian investments in Russia for the period 2000-14 are estimated to be about USD 8 billion, which include Imperial Energy Tomsk; Volzhsky Abrasive Works Volgograd; 20% stakes in Sakhalin-I and the Commercial Indo Bank. Russian investments in India total about USD 4 billion, including Kamaz Vectra in Hosur; Shyam Sistema Telelinks Ltd, Sberbank and VTB.
8. Both the Governments have undertaken initiatives to promote bilateral investments, primarily through facilitating high-level Government to business and Business to Business contacts apart from the on-going investment process in strategic sectors in both the countries. Investment cooperation has been envisaged is some priority sectors such as hydrocarbons, power, coal, nuclear power, fertilizers, IT, pharmaceuticals, mineral and metallurgy amongst others.

Monday 23 November 2015

Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly Plates, Leafware, Bamboo, Leaf &Fibre, Packnwood, Eco Utensils) Market Size, Industry Trends And Forecasts, 2015 To 2022

Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Market growth day by day, it is most important for environment friendly society and it' s also cheapest price other hand economic friendly, leaf plates and Eco-friendly party options are 100% organic, compo-stable and decompose in as little as 60 to 70 days. Now isn't that better than paper or plastic. 

Global Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Market Research Report is a professional and in-depth research report on the world's major regional market conditions of the Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) industry, focusing on the main regions (North America, Europe and Asia) and the main countries (United States, Germany, Japan and China). We have discussed about market growth and industry view of the Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) industry.
The report introduced Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) new project SWOT analysis Investment feasibility analysis investment return analysis and also give related research conclusions and development trend analysis on Global and China Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) industry. In a word, it was a depth research report on Global and China Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) industry and thanks to the support and assistance from Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) industry chain related technical experts and marketing engineers during Research Team survey and interviews.
The report includes six parts, dealing with: 1.) basic information; 2.) the Asia Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) industry; 3.) the North American Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) industry; 4.) the European Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) industry; 5.) market entry and investment feasibility; and 6.) the report conclusion.

Part I Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Industry Overview

Chapter One Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Industry Overview
1.1 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Definition

1.2 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Classification Analysis
1.2.1 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Main Classification Analysis
1.2.2 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Main Classification Share Analysis

1.3 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Application Analysis
1.3.1 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Main Application Analysis
1.3.2 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Main Application Share Analysis

1.4 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Industry Chain Structure Analysis

1.5 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Industry Development Overview
1.5.1 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Product History Development Overview
1.5.1 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Product Market Development Overview

1.6 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Global Market Comparison Analysis
1.6.1 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Global Import Market Analysis
1.6.2 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Global Export Market Analysis
1.6.3 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Global Main Region Market Analysis
1.6.4 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Global Market Comparison Analysis
1.6.5 Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Global Market Development Trend Analysis

Chapter Two Asia Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Product Market Analysis

2.1 Asia Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Product Development History
2.2 Asia Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Process Development History
2.3 Asia Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Industry Policy and Plan Analysis
2.4 Asia Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Competitive Landscape Analysis
2.5 Asia Disposable Paper Plates (Eco-friendly plates) Market Development Trend

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  • Reynolds Consumer Products, Inc. 
  • Tri-Star Packaging Supplies Ltd. 
  • 7-Eleven Inc. Biopac UK Ltd. 
  • Dart Container Corp. 
  • Duni AB Fabri-Kal Government - State/Provincial Greiner Packaging GMBH

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Market by Product (Resting, Stress, Holter Monitor), By application (Cardiac Monitor, Heart Monitor, ECG, EKG, Heart Beat monitor Market), Industry Size and Forecasts By 2014 To 2020

The Global Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Market research report indicates the Future growth of  this product, will continue to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate high CAGR of forecast period of 2013 – 2020. The Global Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Market Worth USD 5, 434 Billion by 2020.
Cardiograph is the diagnostic recording of the heart beat activity by electronic Instrument. Cardiograph Heart Rate Monitor is used to create a variety of cardio-graphic readouts, such as electrocardiograph, echo-cardiograms, and obstacle cardiographs, all of which fall under the umbrella term of cardiograph. Generally, Cardiographs used to test,  flow of blood throughout the body, diagnose and monitor problems relating to the heart. Cardiograph is an medical instrument for recording the heart movement and mechanical force. Electrocardiography is widely known as a cardiac ultrasound.
A traditional cardiogram is printed out on special logarithmic paper as the readout is being deliberate. The paper contains a grid of 0.04 inch (1 mm) squares. Cardiograph machines can change the speed of output, but there are certain velocity standards that are generally match to when manage a cardiograph test.
The sensors used during a cardiogram are called electrodes. To the highest degree, Ten (10) electrodes are applied to many point of the human body, after the electrodes are sitting with a special conducting gel, they are appendant to the skin. Generally, electrodes are placed on the left arms and right arms the right and left legs, and crossways the abdomen and chest. 
The global Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Market is Very highly competitive Industry. The information of this latest research report together used both primary and secondary research data Such as company database, Competitive research, Industry analysis, business and medical related news letters and collect the data of prvious year market growth of particular product. 
In terms of lead type the global Industry is categorized as single-lead, 3-6 lead, 12 lead.  The 3-6 lead segment accounted for the biggest market share in 2013, followed by 12 lead. The 3-6 lead segment is expected to attain the leadership position in the industry forecast period. 

The report introduced Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) new project SWOT analysis Investment feasibility analysis investment return analysis and also give related research conclusions and development trend analysis on Global and China Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) industry. In a word, it was a depth research report on Global and China Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) industry and thanks to the support and assistance from Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) industry chain related technical experts and marketing engineers during Research Team survey and interviews.
Table Of Content: 
Part I Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Industry Overview
Chapter One Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Industry Overview
1.1 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Definition
1.2 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Classification Analysis
1.2.1 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Main Classification Analysis
1.2.2 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Main Classification Share Analysis
1.3 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Application Analysis
1.3.1 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Main Application Analysis
1.3.2 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Main Application Share Analysis
1.4 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Industry Chain Structure Analysis
1.5 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Industry Development Overview
1.5.1 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Product History Development Overview
1.5.1 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Product Market Development Overview
1.6 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Global Market Comparison Analysis
1.6.1 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Global Import Market Analysis
1.6.2 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Global Export Market Analysis
1.6.3 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Global Main Region Market Analysis
1.6.4 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Global Market Comparison Analysis
1.6.5 Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Global Market Development Trend Analysis
Part 2: Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Market Forecasts
Chapter Two Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Industry Overview
    2.1 Global Diagnostic ECG Market 
    2.2 Global Diagnostic ECG Market Dynamics 
    2.3 Global Diagnostic Electrocardiograph Market, By Product 
    2.4 Global Diagnostic ECG Market, By Lead Type 
    2.5 Global Diagnostic Electrocardiograph Market, By End User
Chapter Three Asia Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Product Market Analysis
3.1 Asia Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Product Development History
3.2 Asia Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Process Development History
3.3 Asia Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Industry Policy and Plan Analysis
3.4 Asia Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Competitive Landscape Analysis
3.5 Asia Diagnostic Electrocardiograph (ECG) Market Development Trend

Google Analytics 4 [GA 4] Interview Questions And Answers: Chandausi News

 Q 1: What is GA4? Answer: Google Analytics 4, also known as GA4, is the latest version of the popular web analytics platform offered by Goo...