Showing posts with label #Bihar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Bihar. Show all posts

Monday, 21 December 2015

China Vs India: it is true that India will finally win for the simple reason that India is not a sprinter but a long distance runner.

India and China Both has cultural history of Innocent time. India has three things which will stand for it in good stead. They all have to do with innovation and creativity because only those nations will survive and succeed in the 21st century which are great in innovation and creativity. So, what are those three things?

These are  three Ds: Democracy, Demography and Diversity. Democracy gives us the  ability to think free, act free. And we have a great democracy in the country, somewhat chaotic, but still we are democratic and that is going to make a huge difference. The second is “Demography”.  I just mentioned that almost half of our population is less than 25 years. In Shanghai, within the next five years, one third of the population will be more than 60 years because of the one child policy that they followed at some point in time. Innovation is the business of the young.  Therefore being a nation of the young is going to make a lot of difference. And the third is “Diversity”. Look at the diversity from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, in our culture, in our language and so on. And when there is diversity, innovation thrives.

So there are three fector described, believe me,  that are going to stand us in good stead but you know what is most important thing is that the democracy we have, has to be an enlightened democracy and not “chaotic”. Our demography has to be one where these young people have to be given an opportunity to grow, opportunity to reach their potential otherwise it will become a liability. And the diversity that we have, we have to always make sure that we manage the “unity in diversity” as we have managed over a period of time without factions. So Democracy, Demography and Diversity are India’s three great advantages over China.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Russia and India Relationship with Economic and Cultural Behaviour in the World

Russia and India Relations are master key of India 's foreign policy and Russia has been provide various types help like weapons, technical instrument, healthcare product and others type materials. Since the signing of  "Statement on the Russia-India strategical partnership" in October 2000 (during the visit of  Russian President Vladimir Putin into India Capital Delhi), Russia-India ties have non-heritable qualitatively brand-new character with enhanced grade of corporation in virtually all areas of the  symmetrical relationship including trade, security, political, economy, deference, science and technology and culture. Under the Russia and India strategic partnership Several institutionalized dialogue mechanisms direct at both official and political levels to ensure regular reciprocation and follow up on concurrence activities. 

On 19th November 2015, in the meeting of the heads of the Tax Administration Of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa Countries was held on Moscow is the largest city and Capital of Russia, It 's the most expensive City in the world, From 19 - 21 November 2015 Government of India and top officer of Russia leader lead this moment. Heads of BRICS Tax Administration presented their view on types of the issue on Tax Administration Including ways and Coordinating with alliance on various issue. The partcipants of BRICS discussed about practical steps and Action Plan, prevention of cross order tax evasion through implementation of Common Reporting Standard and automated exchange of information; and supporting engagement of developing countries in BEPS and tax administration. All the participating countries reiterated the decision to closely coordinate their efforts towards achieving this goal.

Overview of India And Russia Cooperation: 

A. Overview

1. Enhancing trade and economic cooperation between India and Russia is a key priority for the political leadership of both the countries. Bilateral trade amounted to USD 9.51 billion in 2014 wherein Indian exports were USD 3.17 billion and Russian exports were USD 6.34 billion. Indian investments in Russia are estimated to be about USD 7 billion while Russian investments in India total about USD 3 billion. During the annual summit held in December 2014, both sides have set a target to increase the bilateral tarde to US$30 billion by 2025 and the bilateral investment each way to US$15 billion by that time.

2. A number of institutionalised mechanisms at governmental and non-governmental levels contribute to the development of economic cooperation between the two countries. While the India Russia Intergovernmental Commission for Trade, Economic, Scientific & Cultural Cooperation (IRIGC-TEC) guides the conduct of economic cooperation at the Governmental level, the Indo-Russian Forum for Trade & Investment and the India-Russia CEO’s Council have evolved into the platforms for facilitating direct B2B interactions between the two countries. 

3. India is also contemplating a FTA/ CECA with the Eurasian Economic Union. The Eurasian Economic Union is one of the important emerging economic blocks, and India is keen to engage more closely with Russia and the CIS countries to further intensify our trade and economic cooperation with this region. On 18 June 2015, India and the Eurasian Economic Union signed a joint statement establishing a Joint Feasibility Study Group (JFSG) for feasibility study on the proposed FTA/CECA between India and the Eurasian Economic Union. The first meeting of the JFSG was held in Moscow on 31 July 2015 and the first draft of the report of the JFSG is expected by November 2015.

3. There have been regular bilateral exchanges at the highest levels. The visit of the President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation to India for the 15th Indo-Russian Annual Summit on 11 December 2014 was a significant event in furthering the bilateral relations. During the summit, around 20 agreements, including 11 agreements related to economic and trade matters were signed, reaffirming the desire to intensify the bilateral relationship through the Vision document which provides a roadmap for the  future. Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ufa, Russian Federation, from 8-10 July 2015 and participated in the BRICS and SCO Summits. He also held bilateral talks with President Putin on a broad spectrum of issues, including economic and trade cooperation. President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee visited Moscow in May 2015 and participated in the 70th Anniversary of the Victory Day celebrations. He also met with President Putin and discussed various issues related to bilateral cooperation.

4. Ms. Sushma Swaraj, External Affairs Minister visited Moscow and co-chaired the 21st Session of the India-Russia Intergovernmental Commission for Trade, Economic, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation (IRIGC-TEC) on 20 October 2015. Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, led a high level business delegation at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum from 17-19 June 2015. In addition, there were many official and expert level visits from India covering a wide spectrum of issues on the economic side, as a part of Russian BRICS presidency.

5. Other important visits in recent months include the visit of Minister of Finance, Minister of State for Environment & Forests, Minister of State for Petroleum & Natural Gas, Minister of State for Agriculture & Food Processing, Comptroller & Auditor General of India, Commerce Secretary and senior officials from Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Department of Science & Technology, Department of Chemicals & Fertilisers, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Finance, Reserve Bank of India, MMTC, Export Promotion Council and APEDA, which have maintained the momentum of our bilateral relations in different areas of cooperation.

B. Trade

6. The bilateral trade during the period January–December 2014 amounted to USD 9.51 billion, with Indian exports amounting to USD 3.17 billion and imports from Russia amounting to USD 6.34 billion. Major items of export from India include pharmaceuticals, miscellaneous manufactures, iron & steel, apparels, tea, coffee and tobacco. Major items of import from Russia include defence equipment, nuclear power equipment, fertilizers, electrical machinery, steels and diamonds.

6. Bilateral trade figures for last ten years are given below:

(amountt in US $ billion)

India’s Import
from Russia
India’s export
to Russia
Total trade
Increase YOY
3. 10       
- 5.6
C. Investment
7. The cumulative Indian investments in Russia for the period 2000-14 are estimated to be about USD 8 billion, which include Imperial Energy Tomsk; Volzhsky Abrasive Works Volgograd; 20% stakes in Sakhalin-I and the Commercial Indo Bank. Russian investments in India total about USD 4 billion, including Kamaz Vectra in Hosur; Shyam Sistema Telelinks Ltd, Sberbank and VTB.
8. Both the Governments have undertaken initiatives to promote bilateral investments, primarily through facilitating high-level Government to business and Business to Business contacts apart from the on-going investment process in strategic sectors in both the countries. Investment cooperation has been envisaged is some priority sectors such as hydrocarbons, power, coal, nuclear power, fertilizers, IT, pharmaceuticals, mineral and metallurgy amongst others.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Russian Army in Syria battle ground : War against ISIS

Latest,  we know about ISIS activity, this terror group very quickly spread in Syria, Afganistan, Turki and many others asian region. According to NBC news reporter Israel said on Sunday that an Arab citizen had used a para-glider to fly illegally into neighboring Syria, where he planned to join Islamic State insurgents in the four-year-old rebellion against Syria President Bashar al-Assad.

The man's flight on Saturday across the fortified Golan Heights frontier jarred Israel, which has seen dozens of its minority Muslim Arabs or Palestinians from East Jerusalem reach the Syrian civil war through legal destinations such as Turkey.

The Israeli military, whose aircraft dropped illumination flares around the Golan overnight before calling off the searches on Sunday, issued brief statements describing the paraglider as an Arab from the predominantly Muslim town of Jaljulia. He was not named. Israeli media gave his age as 23.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the man's citizenship would be revoked as part of a wider policy against militants.

A minister from Netanyahu's rightist Likud party, Ofir Akunis, told reporters that the Israeli Arab had "crossed to the border into Syria ... to join ISIS forces".  
According to CIA" The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency said, that the number of foreign fighters who went to Syria and Iraq to fight with the ISIS has reached more than 30,000 fighters.

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), according to the “New York Times,” announced that: “About 30,000 terrorists have went to Syria and Iraq since 2011,” noting that, “The number of terrorists who hold U.S. citizenship amounted to 250 fighters.”

According to intelligence reports, the foreign fighters are belonging to more than 100 countries. India, Pakistan, Afganistan, United States, Britain and some arab Country.

According to Iraqi News"  More than 10,000 ISIS fighters have been killed since the U.S.-led international coalition started its air campaign against the militant group in Iraq and Syria nine months ago, according to the U.S. deputy secretary of state, Antony Blinken.

Speaking after a number of leaders from more than 20 countries met in Paris for discussions on how to fight the ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria, Blinken pointed out that there had been a great deal of progress but the militant group remained resilient and capable of taking the initiative.

“We have seen a lot of losses within Daesh [Isis] since the start of this campaign, more than 10,000,” Blinken told France Inter radio on Wednesday. “It will end up having an impact.”

“We have conceived a three-year plan and we’re nine months into it,” he said. 

I follow events almost minute to minute but find it difficult to make strategic sense out of many of them. It’s why I pity the layman observer who gets his morning dose of news and cannot reflect deep enough on them. I have no doubt that West Asia continues to occupy the core center of strategic affairs in the world and competing centres in Central Asia and the South China Sea are yet many light years behind. Rebalancing is fine as a concept and the US may keep trying to dilute the significance of the region by simply trying to ignore it but as things stand its attention will not wane. A review of the situation after the unexpected entry of Russia into the war zone is necessary to make any sense of what is happening.

The Russians came in for a variety of reasons. It may be good for clarity to be military like in bulleting these.

Firstly, Russia believes that the West was just not serious about defeating the ISIS. The US and its allies prefer a policy of drift allowing the emasculation of Bashir Assad and then effecting regime change. The larger picture of victory of the so called moderates without a simultaneous victory of the ISIS against Assad is their hope and aim which is unachievable. Besides what the eventual color of the moderates, who are supported by non ISIS groups such as Al Nusra and Al Qaida, will be is unpredictable.

Third, the lack of focused action would give scope to ISIS to expand its activities to Afghanistan and thence to Central Asia. With the situation in Af-Pak none too certain the ISIS is bound to take advantage of the turbulence. Its move into Central Asia will have severely negative effects on Russia’s near abroad region.

Fourth, the only Russian military facility yet intact in West Asia is the port city of Latakia in Syria and its hold over that for the sake of control of the West Mediterranean is essential. The fighting was getting dangerously close to this facility and therefore ‘depth’ had to be afforded to it to keep it from harm’s way. Bashir Assad’s defeat and fall would have meant the end of Russian military presence.

Fifth, Putin probably believed that after Ukraine where he had scored diplomatically this was the opportunity to demonstrate the resurgence of Russia. During 2008 when it had conducted operations in Ossetia the West had reported the pathetic state of equipment and weaponry of the Russian Army. It was important to break the perception that Russia was militarily regressing and weak.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Nalanda University in Indian Culture

तुर्की के मुस्लिम शासक बख्तियार खिलजी का जब यहां शासन था तो उसने नालंदा यूनिवर्सिटी में आग लगवा दी थी। यहां के पुस्तकालय में इतनी पुस्तकें थी कि पूरे तीन महीने तक आग धधकती रही। खिलजी यहीं नहीं रुका उसने यहां के कई धर्माचार्य और बौद्ध भिक्षुओं की हत्या करा दी।
खिलजी का पूरा नाम इख्तियारुद्दीन मुहम्मद बिन बख्तियार खिलजी था। खिलजी ने उत्तर भारत में बौद्धों द्वारा शासित कुछ क्षेत्रों पर कब्जा कर लिया था। इतिहासकार विश्व प्रसिद्ध नालंदा यूनिवर्सिटी को जलाने के पीछे जो वजह बताते हैं उसके अनुसार एक समय बख्तियार खिलजी बहुत ज्यादा बीमार पड़ गया। उसका काफी इलाज किया गया पर कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ। तब उसे नालंदा यूनिवर्सिटी के आयुर्वेद विभाग के प्रमुख आचार्य राहुल श्रीभद्रजी से उपचार कराने की सलाह दी गई। उसने आचार्य राहुल को बुलवा लिया तथा इलाज से पहले शर्त लगा दी की वह किसी हिंदुस्तानी दवाई का सेवन नहीं करेगा। उसने कहा कि अगर वह ठीक नहीं हुआ तो आचार्य की हत्या करवा देगा।

अगले दिन आचार्य उसके पास कुरान लेकर गए और कहा कि कुरान के पेज नंबर इतने से इतने तक रोज पढ़िए ठीक हो जाएंगे। उसने ऐसा ही किया और ठीक हो गया। अपने ठीक होने की उसे खुशी नहीं हुई उसको बहुत गुस्सा आया कि उसके हकीमों से इन भारतीय वैद्यों का ज्ञान श्रेष्ठ क्यों है। बौद्ध धर्म और आयुर्वेद का एहसान मानने के बदले उसने 1199 में नालंदा यूनिवर्सिटी में ही आग लगवा दी। वहां इतनी पुस्तकें थीं कि तीन महीने तक यहां से धुआं उठता रहा। उसने हजारों धर्माचार्यों और बौद्ध भिक्षुओं की हत्या करा दी। खिलजी के ठीक होने की जो वजह बताई जाती है वह यह है कि वैद्यराज राहुल श्रीभद्र ने कुरान के कुछ पेज के कोने पर एक दवा का अदृश्य लेप लगा दिया था। वह थूक के साथ मात्र दस बीस पेज चाट गया और ठीक हो गया। उसने इस एहसान का बदला नालंदा को जलाकर दिया।

नालंदा उस समय भारत में उच्च शिक्षा का महत्वपूर्ण और विश्व विख्यात केन्द्र था। महायान बौद्ध धर्म के इस शिक्षा-केन्द्र में हीनयान बौद्धधर्म के साथ ही अन्य धर्मों के तथा अनेक देशों के छात्र पढ़ते थे। अलेक्जेंडर कनिंघम द्वारा खोजे गई इस बौद्ध यूनिवर्सिटी के अवशेष इसके प्राचीन वैभव का अंदाज करा देते हैं। सातवीं सदी में भारत भ्रमण के लिए आए चीनी यात्री ह्वेनसांग तथा इत्सिंग के यात्रा विवरणों से इस यूनिवर्सिटी के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी मिलती है। चीनी यात्री ह्वेनसांग ने सातवीं शताब्दी में यहां जीवन का एक साल एक स्टूडेंट और एक टीचर के रूप में व्यतीत किया था। प्रसिद्ध ‘बौद्ध सारि पुत्र’ का जन्म भी यहीं पर हुआ था। स्थापना व संरक्षण इस यूनिवर्सिटी की स्थापना का श्रेय गुप्त शासक कुमार गुप्त प्रथम को जाता है। इस यूनिवर्सिटी को कुमार गुप्त के उत्तराधिकारियों का पूरा सहयोग मिला। गुप्तवंश के पतन के बाद भी आने वाले सभी शासक वंशों ने इसकी समृद्धि में अपना योगदान दिया। इसे सम्राट हर्षवर्द्धन और पाल शासकों का भी संरक्षण मिला।

नालंदा को स्थानीय शासकों और भारत की दूसरी रियासतों के साथ ही कई विदेशी शासकों से भी अनुदान मिलता था। यह विश्व की पहली पूर्णतः आवासीय यूनिवर्सिटी थी। उस समय इसमें स्टूडेंट्स की संख्या करीब 10,000 और टीचर्स की संख्या 2000 थी। यहां भारत से ही नहीं कोरिया, जापान, चीन, तिब्बत, इंडोनेशिया, फारस तथा तुर्की से भी स्टूडेंट पढ़ने आते थे।

नालंदा के स्नातक बाहर जाकर बौद्ध धर्म का प्रचार करते थे। इस विश्वविद्यालय की नौवीं से बारहवीं सदी तक अंतर्राराष्ट्रीय ख्याति रही थी। विश्वविद्यालय स्थापत्य कला का अद्भुत नमूना था। इसका पूरा परिसर एक विशाल दीवार से घिरा हुआ था जिसमें प्रवेश के लिए एक मुख्य द्वार था। उत्तर से दक्षिण की ओर मठों की कतार थी और उनके सामने अनेक भव्य स्तूप और मंदिर थे। मंदिरों में बुद्ध भगवान की मूर्तियां स्थापित थीं। केन्द्रीय विद्यालय में सात बड़े कक्ष थे और इसके अलावा तीन सौ अन्य कमरे थे। इनमें व्याख्यान हुआ करते थे।

यहां हुई खुदाई में तेरह मठ मिले हैं। वैसे इससे भी अधिक मठों के होने की संभावना है। मठ एक से अधिक मंजिल के होते थे। कमरे में सोने के लिए पत्थर की चौकी होती थी। दीपक, पुस्तक इत्यादि रखने के लिए आले बने हुए थे। प्रत्येक मठ के आंगन में एक कुआं बना था। आठ विशाल भवन, दस मंदिर, अनेक प्रार्थना कक्ष तथा अध्ययन कक्ष के अलावा इस परिसर में सुंदर बगीचे तथा झीलें भी थी।

विश्वविद्यालय का प्रबंध कुलपति या प्रमुख आचार्य करते थे जो भिक्षुओं द्वारा निर्वाचित होते थे। कुलपति दो परामर्शदात्री समितियों के परामर्श से सारा प्रबंध करते थे। प्रथम समिति शिक्षा तथा पाठ्यक्रम संबंधी कार्य देखती थी और द्वितीय समिति सारे विश्वविद्यालय की आर्थिक व्यवस्था तथा प्रशासन की देखभाल करती थी। विश्वविद्यालय को दान में मिले दो सौ गांवों से प्राप्त उपज और आय की देखरेख यही समिति करती थी। विश्वविद्यालय में तीन श्रेणियों के आचार्य थे जो अपनी योग्यतानुसार प्रथम, द्वितीय और तृतीय श्रेणी में आते थे। नालंदा के प्रसिद्ध आचार्यों में शीलभद्र, धर्मपाल, चंद्रपाल, गुणमति और स्थिरमति प्रमुख थे।

ह्वेनसांग के समय इस विश्व विद्यालय के प्रमुख शीलभद्र थे। प्रसिद्ध भारतीय गणितज्ञ एवं खगोलज्ञ आर्य भट भी इस विश्वविद्यालय के प्रमुख रहे थे। यहां प्रवेश लेने के लिए कठिन परीक्षा होती थी। उन्हें तीन कठिन परीक्षा स्तरों को पास करना होता था। आचार्य छात्रों को मौखिक व्याख्यान देकर शिक्षा देते थे।

नालंदा कि खुदाई में मिली अनेक कांसे की मूर्तियोँ के आधार पर कुछ विद्वानों का मत है कि धातु की मूर्तियां बनाने के विज्ञान का भी अध्ययन होता था। यहां खगोलशास्त्र अध्ययन के लिए एक विशेष विभाग था। नालंदा में हजारो विद्यार्थियों और आचार्यों के अध्ययन के लिए, नौ तल का एक बहुत बड़ा पुस्तकालय था जिसमें तीन लाख से अधिक पुस्तके थीं। इस पुस्तकालय में सभी विषयों से संबंधित पुस्तकें थी।

सुहागरात में खूनी खेल: 11 बजे कमरे में गया, 12 बजे किया दुल्हन का कत्ल, 12:30 बजे दूल्हे ने दी जान; पूरी कहानी

अयोध्या में सुहागरात में दुल्हन की हत्या के बाद दूल्हे ने खुदकुशी कर ली। मामले में पोस्टमार्टम से बड़ा खुलासा हुआ है। सामने आया है कि दुल्हन...